Issue 5: Special edition for the MAROON project
Experience report on the development of a mobile, work-supporting robot tiling system
editor: Prof. Sven Rogalski and Simon Nicklas
ISSN 2512-8108, Karlsruhe, 2021

Objectives of the project • Requirements of the MAROON project • Institute for Ergonomics at the TU Darmstadt(IAD) - ergonomic analyzes for a tiler-robot-Collaboration • Technical contribution and results of Brömer und Sohn GmbH - specification and validation of the MAROON-Systems • Technical results from AROTEC Automation und Robotik GmbH - development of a mobile platform • Technical results from Promove GmbH - development of an adhesive dispenser unit • Scientific-technical results of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences - research and conception of robot-related assistance functions for the tiling trade • Work by the company Open Experience - continuous data integration between BIM and the MAROON-system